var Mapbender = { events: { }, modules: { }, getTimestamp: function () { var d = new Date(); var ts = Math.round(Date.parse(d)/1000); return ts; } }; /** * Package: Event * * Description: * An event. What happens, when the event occurs, depends on which functions have been * registered with the event. * * usage: * * > // create a new Event * > var eventAfterMapRequest = new MapbenderEvent(); * > * > // register a function with that event * > eventAfterMapRequest.register(function () { * > ... * > }) * > * > // trigger the event * > eventAfterMapRequest.trigger(); * * Files: * - lib/event.js * * Maintainer: * * * License: * Copyright (c) 2009, Open Source Geospatial Foundation * This program is dual licensed under the GNU General Public License * and Simplified BSD license. * */ /** * Constructor: Mapbender.Event */ var MapbenderEvent = Mapbender.Event = function () { // public methods /** * Method: register * * Description: * A function that needs to be executed, when the event occurs, has to be * registered via this function. * * Parameters: * closure - a function (or a string for backwards compatibility) which * is called (evaluated) when the trigger method is called. * scope - *[optional]* if given, the function is not simply executed, but * called with JavaScript's call function * >, argumentObj) */ this.register = function(aFunction, scope) { var mpbnFunction = new MapbenderFunction(aFunction, scope); functionArray.push(mpbnFunction); propertiesObj.count = functionArray.length; }; /** * Method: unregister * * Description: * Exclude a previously registered function from the event permanently * * Parameters: * closure - a function (or a string for backwards compatibility) */ this.unregister = function(aFunction) { for (var i = 0, len = functionArray.length; i < len; i++) { if (functionArray[i].getFunction() === aFunction) { for (var j = i + 1; j < len; j++) { functionArray[j-1] = functionArray[j]; } delete functionArray[len - 1]; len = len - 1; } } functionArray.length = len; propertiesObj.count = functionArray.length; }; /** * Method: isRegistered * * Description: * Checks if a function is already registered with this event. This * can be used to avoid duplicate registers. * * Parameters: * closure - a function (or a string for backwards compatibility) */ this.isRegistered = function (aFunction) { for (var i = 0, len = functionArray.length; i < len; i++) { if (functionArray[i].getFunction() === aFunction) { return true; } } return false; }; /** * Method: trigger * * Description: * This function triggers the event. * * Parameters: * properties - an object containing the arguments to be passed to * the registered functions * operator - *[optional]* a string that specifies how the return * values of the individual registered functions shall be * combined. Available operators are "AND", "OR" and "CAT" * (string concatenation). The default return value is the * return value of the last registered function. */ this.trigger = function(properties, booleanOperator) { if (!(functionArray.length > 0)) { return true; } // // check arguments // // properties if (typeof(properties) != "object") { // maybe properties is missing, and so // properties represents booleanOperator if (typeof(booleanOperator) == "undefined") { booleanOperator = properties; properties = undefined; } else { // var e = new Mb_exception("MapbenderEvent.trigger: invalid properties: %s", properties); } } // booleanOperator if (typeof(booleanOperator) == "string") { if (booleanOperator != "AND" && booleanOperator != "OR") { // var e = new Mb_exception("MapbenderEvent.trigger: invalid booleanOperator: %s", booleanOperator); } } else if (typeof(booleanOperator) != "undefined") { // var e = new Mb_exception("MapbenderEvent.trigger: invalid booleanOperator, must be a string, but is %s", typeof(booleanOperator)); } var result; // the optional boolean operator allows to combine the return values of the functions // into a single result value. switch (booleanOperator) { case "AND": result = true; break; case "OR": result = false; break; case "CAT": result = ""; break; default: result = true; break; } if (log) { var e = new Mb_notice("functions (after sort): " + functionArray.join(",")); } for (var i = 0; i < functionArray.length; i++) { // executes the function at position i // and determines the return value based on the (optional) boolean operator switch (booleanOperator) { case "AND": result = result && functionArray[i].execute(properties); break; case "OR": result = result || functionArray[i].execute(properties); break; case "CAT": result += functionArray[i].execute(properties); break; default: result = functionArray[i].execute(properties); break; } } return result; }; this.getProperties = function () { return propertiesObj; }; // private /** * these functions will be executed once the event is triggered */ var functionArray = []; var propertiesObj = {}; propertiesObj.count = 0; var log = false; }; /** * A MapbenderFunction is a function with a priority. */ var MapbenderFunction = function (aFunction, aScope) { // public /** * Returns the function itself */ this.getFunction = function () { return func; }; /** * Executes the function */ this.execute = function (argumentObj) { if (typeof(func) == "function" || typeof(func) == "object") { if (scope) { return, argumentObj); } return func(argumentObj); } // this branch is for backwards compatibility with the // pre-2.5 event system that is based on strings. else { var argumentNames = []; var argumentValues = []; for (var i in argumentObj) { if (typeof(argumentObj[i]) == "number" || typeof(argumentObj[i]) == "boolean") { argumentNames.push(i); argumentValues.push(argumentObj[i]); } else if (typeof(argumentObj[i]) == "string") { argumentNames.push(i); argumentValues.push("'" + argumentObj[i] + "'"); } } var str = ""; str += "(function (" + argumentNames.join(", ") + ") {"; str += "return " + aFunction; str += "}"; str += "(" + argumentValues.join(", ") + "));"; var returnValue = eval(str); return returnValue; } }; // private var func = aFunction; var scope = aScope; }; /** * License: * Copyright (c) 2009, Open Source Geospatial Foundation * This program is dual licensed under the GNU General Public License * and Simplified BSD license. * */ /** * Triggered on load */ = new Mapbender.Event(); /** * Triggered after a map is requested. */ = new Mapbender.Event(); /** * Triggered when Mapbender is loaded and after the map object has been initialised. */ = new Mapbender.Event(); /** * Triggered before eventInit. */ = new Mapbender.Event(); /** * Triggered after Mapbender is loaded and has been initialised. * Used to trigger initial map requests */ = new Mapbender.Event(); /** * Initializes the map object. Triggered when Mapbender is loaded. */ = new Mapbender.Event(); /** * Switches the locale. Triggered by module switch_locale or onload(?) */ = new Mapbender.Event(); /** * Triggered when the Gazetteer is ready and all of it evenst have been initialised. * Triggered by the gazetteer module. */ = new Mapbender.Event(); /** * Triggered after a WMS has been loaded. */ = new Mapbender.Event(); { // remove the splash screen, show the application $("#loading_mapbender").remove(); $(".hide-during-splash").removeClass("hide-during-splash"); }); () { // performs a map request for each map frame $(":maps").each(function () { $(this).mapbender(function () { this.setMapRequest(); }); }); }); // // // DEPRECATED, FOR BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY // // var eventAfterMapRequest =; var eventInit =; var eventBeforeInit =; var eventAfterInit =; var eventInitMap =; var eventLocalize =; var eventAfterLoadWMS =; /** * Triggered after the map has been resized */ var eventResizeMap = new Mapbender.Event(); /** * Triggered after aall map images have been loaded. */ var eventAfterMapImagesReady = new Mapbender.Event(); /** * Triggered before a map is requested. */ var eventBeforeMapRequest = new Mapbender.Event(); /** * Triggered before a feature info is requested. */ var eventBeforeFeatureInfo = new Mapbender.Event(); var currentWmcExtensionData = {}; var restoredWmcExtensionData = {}; var mb_WfsReadSubFunctions = []; var mb_WfsWriteSubFunctions = []; var mb_l10nFunctions = []; /** * deprecated wrapped function * @deprecated */ function mb_registerInitFunctions(stringFunction){ // mb_InitFunctions[mb_InitFunctions.length] = stringFunction; eventInit.register(stringFunction); } /** * deprecated wrapped function * @deprecated */ function mb_registerPreFunctions(stringFunction){ // mb_MapRequestPreFunctions[mb_MapRequestPreFunctions.length] = stringFunction; eventBeforeMapRequest.register(stringFunction); } /** * deprecated wrapped function * @deprecated */ function mb_registerFeatureInfoPreFunctions(stringFunction){ // mb_FeatureInfoPreFunctions[mb_FeatureInfoPreFunctions.length] = stringFunction; eventBeforeFeatureInfo.register(stringFunction); } /** * deprecated wrapped function * @deprecated */ function mb_registerSubFunctions(stringFunction){ // mb_MapRequestSubFunctions[mb_MapRequestSubFunctions.length] = stringFunction; eventAfterMapRequest.register(stringFunction); } /** * deprecated wrapped function * @deprecated */ function mb_registerloadWmsSubFunctions(stringFunction){ // mb_loadWmsSubFunctions[mb_loadWmsSubFunctions.length] = stringFunction; eventAfterLoadWMS.register(stringFunction); } /** * deprecated wrapped function * @deprecated */ function mb_registerWfsReadSubFunctions(stringFunction){ mb_WfsReadSubFunctions[mb_WfsReadSubFunctions.length] = stringFunction; } /** * deprecated wrapped function * @deprecated */ function mb_registerWfsWriteSubFunctions(stringFunction){ mb_WfsWriteSubFunctions[mb_WfsWriteSubFunctions.length] = stringFunction; } /** * deprecated wrapped function * @deprecated */ function mb_registerL10nFunctions(stringFunction) { eventLocalize.register(stringFunction); // mb_l10nFunctions[mb_l10nFunctions.length] = stringFunction; } var mb_PanSubElements = []; function mb_registerPanSubElement(elName){ //console.log("registered: "+elName); var ind = mb_PanSubElements.length; mb_PanSubElements[ind] = elName; } var mb_vendorSpecific = []; function mb_registerVendorSpecific(stringFunction){ mb_vendorSpecific[mb_vendorSpecific.length] = stringFunction; } /** * deprecated function for writing content within a tag via innerHTML * @deprecated */ function writeTag(frameName, elName, tagSource) { if (frameName && frameName !== "") { var el = window.frames[frameName].document.getElementById(elName); if (el !== null) { el.innerHTML = tagSource; } } else if(!frameName || frameName === ""){ var node = document.getElementById(elName); if (node !== null) { node.innerHTML = tagSource; } } }